Snow Day

At the risk of ridicule from my northern kin–I woke up to snow today!

There wasn’t much of the white stuff, but enough for me to bring out the camera and crunch around the garden.   Actually, there was very little crunching as I meandered, because the air temperature was 32ºF (0ºC), but the ground stayed warm enough that the snow which landed on the ground, didn’t stick.

The snow blanketed plants, rooftops, and other assorted surfaces, which was a joy to see.  Here in Austin, Texas, ice storms are more often the norm than actual snow.

I’ll probably kiss my crinum lily foliage goodbye after today.  It’s remained evergreen up until now, but after our “snowstorm,” I suspect it will be rendered frozen mush.  That’s fine,  the mushy straps will be good additions to the compost bin.

A quintessential Central Texas winter garden scene: snow laden plants, blooming water lily.

At sunrise, the sky was clear.  With a morning of sunshine, the temperature will warm  quickly.  But for this brief moment in time, snow highlights the textures of the garden.

Snow-pack (snort!) highlights the back garden greenery in white.

This Sparkler sedge, Carex phyllocephala ‘Sparkler’, wears its snow well.

A snowy hat tops the silver globe,

…and its blue cousin.

Brrr!  Snow capped bee hives!   The bees were warmly tucked in, but a short time later, I saw a few venturing out.  What must honeybees think of the snow?

The temperatures weren’t cold enough for the Frostweed, Verbesina virginica, to perform its icy show, but I’d say that this morning, it lives up to its common name:  frostweed.

A patterned Barbados cherry, Malpighia glabra.  The leaves of B. cherry are quite attractive, but more so with a touch of the white.

At 10AM, the snow has melted in my garden.

It was fun while it lasted!

24 thoughts on “Snow Day

      • How interesting. We had cleaned our solar panels just two weekends ago and after our little bit of snow, they’re dirty again. Dirty snow? I wonder if our panels have some of the dust you’re referring to? Hmm. Either way, we (well, The Hub–I don’t do heights 🙂 ) will have to get up on the roof again.


    • Operative word there–tiny!! I’m impressed that it stayed on the car; I’m sure the other commuters had a grin at that, if they weren’t staring at their phones!


      • I don’t know about another freeze. If you recall, last year was mild too (maybe a smidge cooler?) and then we had a hard freeze in March. I hate it when that happens. We live in weird times, I don’t know what else to say. Sniff.


  1. It’s clear from all these pictures that you reveled in our thin and brief blanket of white. From the previous night’s forecast I thought we’d have a chance for frostweed ice, but as you also found out, that didn’t happen. It’s just as well to have a different icy phenomenon for a change.


    • It didn’t get cold enough for the ice sculptures to develop. Drat! I’m going to cut them back soon, so I’m hoping for a hard freeze before that happens. You’re correct, though–it was nice to have something different, no matter how little in substance and time.


    • Nah, the crinums are mush, but I’m fine with that. They’re better off being cut to the ground, otherwise I have to make decisions on where to prune and who wants to make decisions like that? 🙂


  2. I especially liked the photo of your hives with the snow-covered roofs. I liked thinking of your bees in there, all warm and comfy, doing whatever bees do to pass the time when it’s nasty out. I always enjoy the combination of snow and greenery. It can look especially nice on the palms. In fact, it doesn’t take much at all to transform things. Too bad it didn’t last just a little longer for you.


    • I liked that too, Linda. Personally, I think the bees have spelling…bees, or play cards, or rummikub. I agree, though: there’s something about snow highlighting textures that’s special, in part because it’s so rare for us.

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