It Brings Joy: Wildlife Wednesday, July 2020

It’s the first of the month, my chosen time to celebrate wildlife and I almost missed the date.  The garden and greater outdoors remain a balm for me, a place to feel calm and to escape the world’s problems.   My own life has been a bit rocky and definitely busy these past weeks.  The Hub had surgery–something we knew was necessary.  There have been some set backs, but we’re feeling positive that he’s on a road to recovery. Thankfully, he was able to get in, get it done, and get home in between the initial onslaught of the Covid-19 craziness and the Covid-19 tsunami that is now engulfing Texas.  Crap leadership, or really no leadership, at both the national and state levels have rendered this land crippled in ways that I can hardly comprehend.

Not to go all-in on a geek-out, but there’s a conversation in The Lord of the Rings where Frodo and Gandalf are discussing their particular situation in Middle Earth and I’m feeling some camaraderie with their sentiments: 


Frodo:I wish the ring had never come to me, I wish none of this had happened. Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide, All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.


Frodo might have had orcs, trolls and an evil eye to overcome, but we have our own bad actors and evil-doers who are in great need of vanquishing.  It’s time to decide what we’ll do with our time and situation, and so, like many before us, it’s shoulders’ squared and forward march into a better world.  We’ll add some masks to that and a change of leadership to something resembling competence, and maybe we’ll get through this crisis.

For the time being, I’ll share this bit of wildlife joy from a recent early morning stroll in my garden.  This female/juvenile male Black-chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus alexandri, enjoyed breakfast at a Red yucca, Hesperaloe parviflora, as I watched nearby.

I didn’t even see the winged wonder at first, but it wasn’t particularly shy, spending several minutes at the flowers, just feet away from me.

I see hummingbirds almost daily in my garden and they always bring great joy to me as they go about their lives.

Go out in the garden–it’ll make you feel better.  Happy wildlife gardening–stay safe and be well!

21 thoughts on “It Brings Joy: Wildlife Wednesday, July 2020

  1. Hi Tina, love the photo. I only have ruby throated hummers visiting my yard. Only males this year. No females which is usually opposite of what occurs. The males visit for a while then move north, Leaving the females to have the young ones. No females, no young ones. My bee balm is now in bloom just waiting for them. All the best.


    • Thanks, Dennis! It was a lucky series of shots. For once, I had my camera with me and she (I do think it’s a she) was there! Working the blooms. I’ve only seen females so far, that’s typical. I won’t start seeing the males until late July or so. They’ll put on quite a show come late August and into September: chasing one another, doing that territorial thing they do. It’s always a privileged to watch. All the best to you, as well.


  2. Hello Tina, I’m glad your hub is on the mend, like you I find the garden and being with nature and wildlife very soothing, being outside helps me a lot.

    I have had some big bird viewings this last month and have just added another post about them which I will link here:

    Wildlife Wednesday

    Thanks for hosting this lovely meme, take care, Frances

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  3. Oh these are fantastic pictures Tina. So clear and really beautiful colours.
    Glad to hear your husband is on the mend following surgery. I can imagine how worrying just being in hospital felt while Covid-19 is so present.

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    • Thanks, Allison! They were really lucky shots, but I’m happy with them. Hummers are tough to get!

      I’m glad he had the surgery two weeks ago, as I wouldn’t be allowed to be with him in the hospital now. Ugh!

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  4. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery for your husband, and I’m glad the timing worked for you. The garden and all the attendant wildlife are truly a balm for me as well – there’s always something entertaining out there.

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  5. Love the hummingbird pics! They are so amazing to watch. I have a little ruby-throated male here that is the smallest I’ve ever seen. I think he’s the same one that was here last year, and he seems to know me because he buzzes me when I’m outside. I’m glad your hubbies surgery went well and he’s healing nicely.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Beth. I was tickled with the shots–and a little surprised. It seems that everyone has ruby-throated hummers; I’m jealous! Interesting that it may be the same one; I hope he stays around for a while–your summer resident.

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  6. I have a friend who recently had surgery, and she was one of the lucky ones, too: getting it done and getting out of the hospital only two days before elective surgeries were banned. I’m glad your husband’s doing well, and I’m especially glad he’s home.

    I’m always amazed by photos of hummingbirds. I’ve never tried to photograph them, partly because I so rarely see them, and when I do I’m not in a spot where I can sit, wait, and then try, try again! On the other hand, I’m beginning to see lizards around my patio. Not everyone would be thrilled, I suppose, but I certainly am.

    As for flora, the Duranta has moved to a friend’s place. I just don’t have enough sunlight for many plants, including my cacti. My friend’s keeping the Duranta in its pot while she tries out different spots, but it’s already putting on new growth and flowers after only a week. I’m going to have to adjust my plant list!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’re very grateful that he was able to get it done; speedy recover to your friend.

      I see hummers all the time; I suspect that it’s a couple of females and they probably have nests, though I’ve no clue where those nests are. I will start seeing the males in late July and have hummers in the garden until sometime in late September. It’s always a joy to see them.

      The duranta really needs that full, blasting sun. I’m glad you were able to give it a new home. There are some hardy ruellia that don’t mind shade. Shade is tough, especially when you’d like some blooming action.

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  7. It is difficult to have surgery during this time. I’m glad recovery is going well. I do not like to get political, but really? For being the 4th largest city, we were doing really well until the gov decided to open the state. I’ve been staying home, but now I feel it needs to be super quarantine. Thank goodness for my garden.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, he has another appointment today; I’ll be sitting in the car. 😦 I’m not a fan of Abbott and think his decision to open so quickly was beyond stupid, to his credit, he’s taken some responsibility for that. Sort of.

      Like you, I’ve been so grateful that I have space to enjoy outdoors. I really feel for people who’re in apartments/condos where it might be more difficult to get outside.

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  8. Great photos. I planted some bee balm here so we could see hummers right out the window, and it worked. I also planted something called Late Figwort, which is supposed to be a hummer magnet. Too soon to tell if it lives up to its hype. Greetings from a fellow LOTR fan.

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  9. I hope your husband’s healing continues.

    I find myself wishing my kids were already able to comprehend all of Gandalf’s wisdom but I think I’ll try that quote anyway. It is so heart-wrenching to hear their complaints of all the virus has done to their little worlds, knowing what it has done to the world at large thanks to appalling incompetence, and try and move forward into a new tomorrow in a brighter way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Plum. He’s doing well; the first few weeks were tough, but it’s been good since. Fingers-crossed that continues.

      I don’t envy you who have young children; it must be so hard, this distancing and unsettled world. One day at a time and revel in their sweetness.

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      • Some sweetness to share:
        Papa: what do you want for breakfast, F?
        F (who is four): a sandwich like Pete the Cat
        P: peanut butter and banana?
        F: 🙄 and bread
        P: 😆 and bread. A whole or a half?
        F: …a… half.
        P: ok
        F: two halves!
        P: 🤔 one piece of bread cut in half so two half breads?
        F: yes!


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