Columbine (Aquilegia): A Seasonal Look

Dancing fairies?

Or shooting stars?

Neighbors have described the columbines in my gardens in both ways.  Me?  I think they’re simply beautiful and I anticipate and appreciate the showy and unusual blooms. Harbingers of spring, the Columbines I grow and which are commonly available in nurseries and which are native to Texas are the Golden or Yellow ColumbineAquilegia chrysantha, and Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana,

and the smaller, grayer-leafed, Wild Red Columbine, Aquilegia canadensis.

There are actually a number of Columbine species native to Texas and you can access that information by going to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s plant database on Aquilegiathe database also links to information on plants of the Aquilegia genus throughout North America.  This “A Seasonal Look” installment profiles my experiences with the yellow and the Wild Red columbines, both of which I purchased years ago. I actually don’t remember which of the yellow that I bought, but what grows now are likely descendants of Yellow/Golden or Hinckley’s columbine cultivars, which comprise the bulk of Columbines sold in Texas.  Like many wildflowers, Columbines readily hybridize and I imagine the nursery trade has tweaked Columbine production so that the more successful yellows are produced. Over the years, the two variants (yellow and red) in my gardens have hybridized to form new combinations of red/yellow that now happily inhabit my gardens.

IMGP6888.newFor clarity,  hybridize is cross breeding between two things, like plants, and cultivar is a hybrid created by selective breeding.  Hybridization occurs naturally and is common in wildflowers and the nursery trade routinely cultivates plants for sale.

Columbines, Aquilegia, are generally cool season plants.  There are many kinds of Columbines and even in Texas, nurseries will sell the exotic blue, purple, deep pink and red varieties, but those serve as annuals because of our blisteringly hot summers. What will survive are the natives and their hybrid/cultivars varieties–they are year-round perennials, though as a general rule, not long-lived perennials.

Here in Central Texas, the blooming begins in early March.

Columbines are not phased by late season freezes; I’ve witnessed ice on Columbines one day and open blooms a day or two later.   The prime blooming period is March through May, but can extend into June, depending on the onset of summer heat and the amount of rainfall.  In hot/dry years, Columbines peak in early April and are done by mid-May.  In more normal years, with rainfall and extended spring temperatures, they bloom and set seed into the summer months. In my gardens, Columbines usually live 5 years or less, though I have a couple that are older than that.

In spring, Columbines reach the pinnacle of their beauty.

This one is a “Hinckley’s” Columbine, are these

A few years back I wanted to add another yellow  and purchased it from a reliable local nursery, to ensure continuation of the pure yellow in my gardens.

This one is A. canadensis–Wild Red Columbine.

I adore the natural hybrids that have developed in my gardens which are produced from the co-mingling between A. chrysantha and the A. canadensis.  Thanks pollinators! The petals on these hybrids are usually yellow with blushes of red to pink on the sepals and the spurs.

The flowers are pollinated by bees, butterflies, and moths and I’ve seen hummingbirds visit mine.The nectar spurs are a characteristic feature of all Columbine species.The long nectar spurs evolved to meet the needs of pollinators like hummingbirds and hawkmoths and probably little bees like this one,

Several Texas Columbine species are the host plant for the Columbine Duskywing, Erynnis lucilius.

During the blooming bonanza, I deadhead my Columbines to prolong their flowering.  I prune back the seedheads,

…as they appear.

As the spring Columbine show progresses, I also let some seeds develop to ensure replacement plants. Columbine seeds are black and tiny.

I pick off the mature pods and sprinkle the seeds in the garden for future germination. I’m not at all scientific about my process–as I’ve stated, I love surprise combinations, and with soil contact, moisture, and future chilly winter conditions, the seeds will eventually create replacements for the mother plants.  I’m very happy to accept whatever nature provides: more of the pure yellow,

…or the smaller red/yellow,  …or the blend of

Usually there are so many seedheads, that it’s quite a chore for me to keep up with deadheading and I have only so much patience and time for that. By early May, I’m ready to let them all seed out, at will.  The mother plants begin looking leggy,

…with blooms and seed pods atop the slender stalks, lush foliage anchoring below. Even with conscientious deadheading, Columbines will cease blooming with the onslaught of summer’s heat, usually sometime in June.  They begin looking a worn–and so would you, if you’d been non-stop, dead-drop gorgeous for months!

Summer is the time for Texas Columbines to rest.  Columbines are at their tallest and fullest during  spring–individual plants grow as much as 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide, including flower stalks. But as summer wears on and the bloom stalks dry and are pruned, the Columbines will shrink in size and more than likely, experience some foliage die-back.  During the summer months, wilted and discolored foliage is not

It’s no problem to prune the summer-damaged foliage at that point.  Older foliage is yellow-green and by September, brown, or with brown tips.The newer leaves are fresh and blue-green and emerge from the roots.

Don’t overwater when you see the seemingly droopy Columbine–it is a waterwise plant and doesn’t need more than once per week irrigation–at most!  In fact, this is when many people kill their Columbines–by over watering during dormancy.  Continue reminding yourself  that Columbines are cool season plants:  they are dormant during summer and regain luster in cooler seasons.

As the heat of summer subsides and you’ve tidied your little Columbine shrubs,

…you can sit back during the fall and winter and watch them flush out again in preparation for their magnificent blooming bust.

It’s nice to interplant Columbine with cheery, heat-loving perennials to weather summer doldrums. Turk’s Cap Malvaviscus arboreus, Pigeonberry, Rivina humilis, Tropical Sage, Salvia coccinea, Lantana, or plants like the Plateau Goldeneye, Viguiera dentata, beloware all good choices.  Many perennials bloom well in late summer and early fall when the Columbines are not looking their

When the Columbines look peeky, other things will beautify your gardens.

Sometimes, the entire plant will die back during summer. If the plant is young, it will pop back with the cooler, shorter days and autumn rains, but with older plants, return is tricky and not guaranteed. That’s one reason to keep a few Columbine seedlings around: you never quite know when you might want to replace a deceased plant, to share with a fellow gardener, or to transplant Columbines to new spots in your garden.

Columbines also prefer shade or part shade–the blazing Texas sun is a bit too much for this perennial, but it’s an excellent choice for enlivening  a dark part of the garden. Columbines survive hot Texas summers well, provided they’re planted in shade.

In general, Columbines aren’t too picky about soil type, though they do want good drainage.  My garden soil is heavy and clayey, yet they perform well.  If there is a period of heavy rain, especially in late summer/early fall when the Columbines are dormant, I pull mulch away from the base of the plants (assuming I remember to do so), otherwise they can get soggy and rot.  Some Columbines are considered moderately deer resistant, though typical with so many “deer-resistant” plants, munch ability depends on location and just how hungry the deer are.

Columbines are available by seed and in most Texas nurseries in varying sized containers.  They are a valuable shade-tolerant perennial in the Texas garden with stunning spring blooms and lovely evergreen fall and winter foliage.  The native Columbine bloom pretty yellow and yellow/red flowers and are not only attractive to gardeners and their neighbors, but are valuable wildlife plants.

Make a place in your garden for dancing fairies and carve out a viewing spot for shooting stars–you won’t regret it!

31 thoughts on “Columbine (Aquilegia): A Seasonal Look

  1. These are so l lovely! I bought and planted 3 in semi-shade early this Spring but haven’t seen any blooms on them so far. They are still pretty small plants – is it common for them to need to get established before blooming, or is that a sign I put them in a too-shady spot perhaps? (and once it quits raining I’m going to go check on the drainage where they are!)


    • I imagine that you won’t get any blooms this year, but I transplanted a couple of babies of mine in later spring and had blooms–quite a surprise. I’m not sure anything can be too shady, but maybe someone else has experienced something different? Drainage will be a problem, but more than likely in later summer–tropical storm rainfall or overwatering. You have no control over the former and I know you won’t do the latter! Have the deer bothered yours? Or, did you plant them in a no-deer zone?


      • The Columbine are well protected in the back where browsing won’t be an issue. Not that the deer have been back since this weekend. They seem to have moved on for the moment. By the time they come back surrounding plants will have grown to protect the Sculleteria ovata they’d munched on, so happy endings!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I adore your native columbines…we have one and I cannot get it to bloom as it co-mingles with hybrids I have that seed all over. So I need to remove all the hybrids in the area around the native to give it a shot….your yellow is my favorite. I let the seedheads dry during summer and spread them in fall to keep the flowers going.


    • They do like to co-mingle. 🙂 The yellow is gorgeous and there are several in Texas that are yellow, the differences being shade of yellow, length of spur and overall size of bloom. So glad you have columbines in your garden, though–I’m sure you enjoy them!


    • Thank you for using the term “mollycoddling’!! Such a great word and you’re right, columbines are easy perennials–and that, along with their beauty, make them real winners in the garden!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ha! Chandeliers–hadn’t quite thought of them that way, but I can see it. Yes, I think you’re right–we are lucky here to have a couple of choices of Columbine prettiness.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. They are so beautiful when they emerge from the soil! I think we had some here in our woods when we first moved in, and they disappeared over time. Last summer, I planted several new ones–mostly A. canadensis–and they’re all coming back and about to bloom! I don’t know what took me so long to add more to my garden. I think they’re absolutely stunning and magical. Plus, they attract hummingbirds and bees. And they grow and bloom in shade!


    • I agree. For us, here in long, hot summered Texas, those fresh leaves emerging really do herald the end of summer and the cooler days, so they’re very welcome! Glad you’ve added some to your garden and what is not to love about ANYTHING that grows and blooms in the shade!


  4. Your Columbines are so delicate and beautiful. I learned so much from your post. I think I will try growing some from seed : )


    • Thank you for reading, Laurin! Good luck with the columbine-from-seed. I’ve grown some from seed and they worked, though It takes time. You’ll probably need to cold-stratify them, though. As I recall, they need some cooling for germination. Let us know!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So very pretty. I especially love your hybrid. Columbines were one of the first wildflowers I learned about way back in the day. I was astonished to see flowers that were so delicate and complex at the same time just growing wild. I’d love to grow them here. When I first moved here I added quite a few because I had heard they were so easy. What the nurseries didn’t tell me was that they are not juglone tolerant and won’t do well (read: survive) under pecan or walnut trees. I do have one survivor but I think it is on its last legs. I didn’t get any flowers at all from it this year. I should probably transfer it to a pot and show it some mercy.


    • Columbines are pretty and such wonderful plants for the garden. I didn’t know they were not juglone tolerant, so I’ve learned something too. You could grow more in pots–they’re so worthwhile.


  6. Such lovely flowers. The first couple of years in my house I tried planting the purple varieties that can be found in nurseries, but they never lasted very long. I finally got some of the yellow natives in the ground last year and got to enjoy their blooms for the first time this year. The wild red varieties are beautiful! I’ll have to stay on the lookout for some transplants that I can add to my collection.


    • Those pretty exotics won’t last long here with our hot, steamy Texas summers, but the native plants do just fine. Both Columbine varieties are available at the locally owned nurseries. Mine seed out, but not prolifically. But once you have some, you have some for the duration of your garden’s life.


  7. Does anybody out there in Texas know where i could obtain AQ.Hinckleyana and AQ. Longissima. I would like wild collected seed if possible. Please let me Know. Thanks. Dave


  8. I save seeds from all my columbines and then I just throw them out onto scratched up ground. Have you ever started any seeds in cups? I never get that right. Probably too much water and hovering.Ha.


  9. Pingback: Native Season | My Gardener Says…

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  11. I dug up in clumps to move and now it has froze outside in Wisconsin, should I winter in dry, cool,dark like I do my cannas and bulbs or put out in new locations outside now?


    • Hi Charlotte, sorry I’m late in getting back with you, I’ve been traveling. As for the columbine, I garden in Texas and our conditions are very different from yours. I’d suggest that you contact your county extension agent or local native plants organization to find out what to do with this plant. I wouldn’t want to give out bad advice to you. Good luck!


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