A Calendar of Gardening Blog Memes

When I began preparing to host a garden blogging meme, I only knew of a couple of memes and didn’t realize how many active garden blogging memes there are.   I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.  Memes are fun!  Memes promote a sense of community and nurture the artistic and scientific aspects of gardening and related interests.  Garden memes are educational. I guess I must have said something about how many gardening memes exist in the blogosphere to The Husband and Tech Support guy and, well, he developed a widget, (ahem, with my help), that I can now add to my blog as a link to a list of currently active garden blogging memes. The debut of the Calendar of Garden Blogging memes is today!  On my homepage, if you scroll down a bit and look to the right, you’ll see a the lovely native Texan Goldeneye which, when you click on it, will bring you to this page. There may be other active blogging memes that I missed and that are not on this list: no slight is intended–I’ve included the memes I know about and that are currently active. If you know of other active garden blogging memes, please don’t hesitate to contact me with the pertinent information, either through the handy-dandy little blue envelope (the one that says, contact me), or through the comments section. Happy meme-ing!

Below is a list of current garden blog memes and their dates, the hosts, and their websites :

Date Name Description URL Sponsor
Mondays In a Vase on Monday Showcasing flowers from gardeners’ gardens http://ramblinginthegarden.wordpress.com/ Cathy Lyon-Green
Wednesdays Wednesday Vignette Showcasing interesting photos and/or ideas https://flutterandhum.wordpress.com/ Anna
Wednesdays Wordless Wednesday Showcasing photos, no text None
Fridays Floral Friday Fotos Showcasing flower photos
Saturdays Six on Saturdays Showcasing six special plants https://thepropagatorblog.wordpress.com/ Mr J
7th of the Month Tree Following Showcasing a chosen tree, monthly https://squirrelbasket.wordpress.com/tree-following/ Pat English
15th of Month Bloom Day Showcasing current blooming plants http://www.maydreamsgardens.com Carol Michel
First Wednesday Wildlife Wednesday Showcasing garden wildlife http://www.mygardenersays.com Tina Huckabee
Fourth Wednesday Wildflower Wednesday Showcasing wildflowers & native plants http://www.clayandlimestone.com Gail Eichelberger
Monthly Top Ten (Monthly) Blooms Showcasing ten best blooms of each month https://thebloominggarden.wordpress.com/ Chloris
End of Month Through the Garden Gate Showcasing gardens throughout each month https://downbytheseadorset.blogspot.com/ Sarah
End of Month End of Month Views Showcasing gardens at end of month https://glebehouse.wordpress.com/ Steve
Odd Months 21st-25th Street Plant Bloggers Showcasing plants found in urban settings http://hjsmiscellaneousstuff.blogspot.com/ Hollis
Quarterly Lessons Learned Showcasing lessons learned in the garden http://plantpostings.blogspot.com/ Beth Stetenfeld
Quarterly Seasonal Celebrations Showcasing seasonal change in the garden http://gardenseyeview.com/ Donna

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to your blog, follow these directions:

Copy and paste the following html in the appropriate admin section of your blog :