Golden Glory

As its blooming season winds down, I’d like to give a blogging shout-out to a stunning native wildflower, Viguiera dentataalso known as Sunflower Goldeneye, Plateau Goldeneye, Toothleaf Goldeneye, and because I like to keep things simple, my personal favorite common name for this plant: Goldeneye.

A most photogenic flower,

…the Goldeneye brightens the late summer and fall garden with masses of sunshine-cheery, little ray flowers adored by pollinators and gardeners alike.

Growing as tall as  5-6 feet, this is a hardy native of Central Texas, but also grows westward to Arizona and southward into Mexico and Central America.   A favorite landscape and wildlife perennial of mine,

…Goldeneye should have a place in all Central Texas gardens. I grew my plants from a few seeds, which have in turn reseeded.

I don’t mind.  I let them pop up, filling in spots where other things might not grow.  I transplant individuals where I want something that is low-to-no-maintenance and that will bloom beautifully, seed out, and provide food and cover for wildlife.  And if I don’t like where one plants itself (has that actually happened?), I can always pop it out and pass it along to another gardener.

The sprinkling of yellow flowers in late summer, followed by the blast of that same yellow in October, adds some fun and  whimsy to the garden.  And you want some fun and whimsy, don’t you??

There is nothing like the joy of yellow sunflowers in the garden and this one is a real winner.

Goldeneye pair nicely with all other flowers, too.

Not only do bees, honey and native,  like Goldeneye,

…but it’s a major source of seeds, winter food, and nesting material for the ever-darling Lesser Goldfinches.


I’m always thrilled with the first buds appear in late summer.

Conversely, I’m sorry as the flowers conclude their flower

..and go to seed.

But of course, birds show up for the seeds and that means more Goldeneye are spread to far-flung places, or maybe just the neighbor’s house, plus I can look forward to more Goldeneye.

A certain amount of tolerance for rangy plant behavior is a requirement with this lovely wildflower because it does grow large and is top-heavy with bunches of blooms. But considering the garden show and the value to native wildlife, a too floppy plant  is certainly something that I can live with.

I plan a more comprehensive A Seasonal Look on Goldeneye in the not-too-distant future, but for now, enjoy!

I’m joining with Gail at clay and limestone who promotes natives and wildflowers for the home garden through her Wildflower Wednesday gardening meme. Thanks to Gail for hosting and teaching others about the importance and beauty of wildflowers.

For my American readers, I wish a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday–full of love, family, and friends–and of course, pie.

16 thoughts on “Golden Glory

  1. A very bright and cheerful plant. The Goldfinches really seem to enjoy it!
    A Happy Thanksgiving American neighbor! I wish you a great time and of course, lots of pie is mandatory 🙂


    • Goldeneye make the bees, butterflies, birds, and gardeners very happy. Thanks for your good wishes Canadian friend and trust me when I say that lots of pie was had.


  2. Great photos! Whoo boy I’m late to the game here – technology troubles back at the homestead. All sorted out now (I think!) and I’ll simply say goldeneye more than earn their keep in any garden, especially with a little help along the way. I have tomato cages on a couple of them and others I trimmed up from the base to allow for blooming plants to grow in a less crowded setting underneath their “canopy”. Certainly one of my favorites, with or without adorable finches as ornaments!


    • Hope your technological glitches have been mended. The biggest downside to Goldeneye is their penchant for floppiness, but beyond that, they are fab plants!! Some of mine are still blooming, though the bees are all sequestered in their snug hives or holes in the ground or wood due to our nippy and drippy current conditions, so the cheery yellow faces are going un-visited at the moment.


  3. Pingback: Goldeneye (Viguiera dentata): A Seasonal Look | My Gardener Says…

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