Curious Anoles

These two anole lizards, Anolis carolinensis,

…couldn’t help but find their way into the space between my double windows.  I guess they wanted to check out the caterpillar/chrysalis activities along the windowsill.  In past blog appearances, these little wildlife mascots were green, which they are when  hanging around plants. But here, in and around the windows?  They’ve chosen to don a  nice sedate brown to camouflage from enemy attack. Or from Tina, trying to catch them and put them back into the great outdoors.

Or maybe these anoles want to remind bloggers that Wildlife Wednesday is Wednesday, December 3rd.  I’m sure they want interested garden bloggers to ready their cameras and hone their writing for fascinating stories about wildlife in the gardens.  Even with the madness of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, these curious anoles hope that garden bloggers will  prepare for Wildlife Wednesday.

Maybe the anoles are also hoping I’ll notice that I could really use some anole-proof windows.

Wildlife Wednesday, December 3rd!


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6 thoughts on “Curious Anoles

    • They’d be good at that, the little hunters. I didn’t want them hanging out long enough to catch any emerging butterflies though! New windows are in my future….


    • I love’em too! They’re so cute, so cheeky. I felt sorry for one because he was terrified of me. I tried to convince him that I meant no harm, but I had to grab and gently toss in the garden–he wasn’t particularly interested in befriending me.


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