Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day–January 2012–Before the Pruning

My gardens haven’t experienced much of a freeze here in central Austin thus far-just a few light frosts.  Even so, there’s not much in bloom with the short days and chilly weather. Here’s a peek of what’s blooming in my part of the world in celebration of Bloggers’ Bloom Day, hosted by  Carol at May Dreams Garden:

Two views of two blooms on the lovely and talented Globe Mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua).  I’m smitten with the salmon color of the flowers and the sage green, frilly leaves.  It blooms best for me late winter/spring with fewer blooms in the summer/fall.

There are still several blooms left on one of the Firecracker Ferns (Russelia equisetiformis).  Some suffered freezer-burn during the light freezes, but not this one by the pond.

A lone Gregg’s Mistflower (Conoclinium greggii), still sweetly blooming–it just won’t quit!

One stand of Goldeneye (Viguiera dentata) still in bloom.  Half the plant shows freeze damage, the other half is in bloom.  Go figure.

There are two Purple Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) in bloom. Interestingly, they are situated beside the Goldeneye.  Is the soil especially good there?  (Not that either of these plants care much about soil type.)  Or are they protected from the little bit of cold we’ve had because they’re beside the driveway/street and  benefit from warmth of the asphalt?  Probably, but who knows….

Also by the street, one group of Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus), with its one bloom.  Glad it’s still around–I hope any over-wintering hummingbirds know to locate it.

I’m so excited to see a lone, open bloom on my native Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens).  There are others that will open soon.  This little dude is at the bottom of the vine.

Another “lone,” this time in the form of a Columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha).  I’ve seen blooms on Columbines before during the winter (they are a cool season plant), so I’m not shocked to see this one.  It’s on the plant where I observed two blooms back in October, which is very unusual.  I hope it’s getting prepared for its big show in spring.

And finally, there are still a few little blooms on the Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthum).  Love, love, love that plant!

I’ve also discovered the beginnings of some blooms on my Barbados Cherry (Malpighia glabra)–if we don’t have a hard freeze in the next week, they’ll be in bloom too.  Wow!

I guess it’s not so skimpy for January.  What’s blooming where you live and garden?

8 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day–January 2012–Before the Pruning

  1. I found a Globe Mallow at the Barton Springs Nursery a couple of weeks ago and snagged it up. It’s out in the greenhouse blooming away while I debate where to plant it. Yours seems to do very well. In your experience, what would be the optimal planting site?


    • Ally, BSN is good about carrying Globe Mallow and they usually have both the orange (my favorite) and the pink blooming variety. They like sun! I’ve had mine in some shade (“dappled” or “part”), but they don’t don’t bloom quite as well. As with most things, morning to afternoon sun with some protection from the death rays of late day Texas sun is ideal. If you have a Mountain Laurel in your gardens, plant the Globe Mallow nearby–the combination of the dark green/sage green foliage and the deep purple/orange is soooooo beautiful. Good luck and enjoy!


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